923 research outputs found

    Efficiently Storing Well-Composed Polyhedral Complexes Computed Over 3D Binary Images

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    A 3D binary image I can be naturally represented by a combinatorial-algebraic structure called cubical complex and denoted by Q(I ), whose basic building blocks are vertices, edges, square faces and cubes. In Gonzalez-Diaz et al. (Discret Appl Math 183:59–77, 2015), we presented a method to “locally repair” Q(I ) to obtain a polyhedral complex P(I ) (whose basic building blocks are vertices, edges, specific polygons and polyhedra), homotopy equivalent to Q(I ), satisfying that its boundary surface is a 2D manifold. P(I ) is called a well-composed polyhedral complex over the picture I . Besides, we developed a new codification system for P(I ), encoding geometric information of the cells of P(I ) under the form of a 3D grayscale image, and the boundary face relations of the cells of P(I ) under the form of a set of structuring elements. In this paper, we build upon (Gonzalez-Diaz et al. 2015) and prove that, to retrieve topological and geometric information of P(I ), it is enough to store just one 3D point per polyhedron and hence neither grayscale image nor set of structuring elements are needed. From this “minimal” codification of P(I ), we finally present a method to compute the 2-cells in the boundary surface of P(I ).Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2015-67072-

    Spatiotemporal Barcodes for Image Sequence Analysis

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    Taking as input a time-varying sequence of two-dimensional (2D) binary images, we develop an algorithm for computing a spatiotemporal 0–barcode encoding lifetime of connected components on the image sequence over time. This information may not coincide with the one provided by the 0–barcode encoding the 0–persistent homology, since the latter does not respect the principle that it is not possible to move backwards in time. A cell complex K is computed from the given sequence, being the cells of K classified as spatial or temporal depending on whether they connect two consecutive frames or not. A spatiotemporal path is defined as a sequence of edges of K forming a path such that two edges of the path cannot connect the same two consecutive frames. In our algorithm, for each vertex v ∈ K, a spatiotemporal path from v to the “oldest” spatiotemporally-connected vertex is computed and the corresponding spatiotemporal 0–bar is added to the spatiotemporal 0–barcode.Junta de Andalucía FQM-369Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2012-3270

    Encoding Specific 3D Polyhedral Complexes Using 3D Binary Images

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    We build upon the work developed in [4] in which we presented a method to “locally repair” the cubical complex Q(I) associated to a 3D binary image I, to obtain a “well-composed” polyhedral complex P(I), homotopy equivalent to Q(I). There, we developed a new codification system for P(I), called ExtendedCubeMap (ECM) representation, that encodes: (1) the (geometric) information of the cells of P(I) (i.e., which cells are presented and where), under the form of a 3D grayscale image gP ; (2) the boundary face relations between the cells of P(I), under the form of a set BP of structuring elements. In this paper, we simplify ECM representations, proving that geometric and topological information of cells can be encoded using just a 3D binary image, without the need of using colors or sets of structuring elements. We also outline a possible application in which well-composed polyhedral complexes can be useful.Junta de Andalucía FQM-369Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2012-32706Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2015-67072-

    The gender discourse in educational centers

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    En este estudio se presentan los resultados de una investigación cualitativa sobre el discurso de género de los profesores en centros de enseñanza secundaria. Como metodología se aplica el análisis del discurso a una serie de entrevistas y se aportan evidencias empíricas sobre las percepciones de los profesores. El objetivo científico es descubrir cómo los profesores de educación secundaria perciben y comprenden la cultura de género. Los resultados obtenidos permiten identificar visiones diferentes acerca de la realidad de género, así como variables asociadas a estas percepciones. Se identifican dos dimensiones y siete categorías para estudiar la cultura de género. Se hallan también evidencias sobre la diferencias entre sexo y de percepción del género.In this article, we present the results of a qualitative study about teachers’ gender discourse in Secondary Education Centres. The method employed applies discourse analysis to a series of interviews. We present an empirical research about the teachers’ perceptions. The scientific aim is to discover how the Secondary Education teachers perceive and understand the gender culture. The research reveals teachers’ different views of the gender reality and identifies the variables associated to each view. Two relevant domains and seven categories are identified to study the gender culture. Evidence was also found between the sex and gender’s perceptions

    Evaluation of the impact of the formation (online) in ICT in the teaching staff. A sociocultural perspective

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    Esta aportación presenta resultados derivados de un Proyecto I+D+I subvencionado por el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología en convocatoria pública (BOE 31-10-2002) destinado a explorar y experimentar modelos de Integración Curricular de las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación) en la Educación Física. Uno de sus objetivos es promover y potenciar la integración de las TIC en los centros educativos y en los contextos de aula, a través de desarrollos curriculares específicos en las enseñanzas secundarias y Bachillerato. En esta aportación, se presentan los resultados de la evaluación del impacto de la formación del profesorado en TIC a través de indicadores basados y derivados de la teoría sociocultural, concretamente de los constructos de dominio e internalización. La evaluación del impacto formativo se concreta en competencias docentes en TIC y acciones docentes impulsadas o propiciadas por la formación recibida. Esta investigación se realiza con profesores de Educación Secundaria y Primaria. Los resultados muestran que el profesorado alcanza un alto grado de desarrollo en competencias instrumentales, sistémicas y aplicadas que inciden en la integración efectiva de las TIC en el desarrollo curricular de la Educación Física, así como la activación de acciones formativas, curriculares e innovadoras relacionadas con las TIC. Estos indicadores derivados de la teoría sociocultural constituyen formas nuevas de ver y entender los efectos de la formación del profesorado en TIC. Los resultados obtenidos aquí muestran la pertinencia y viabilidad del enfoque sociocultural como marco teórico que orienta tanto el diseño de la formación online como la evaluación de los resultados en el aprendizaje.This contribution shows the results derived from a I+D+I Project subsidized by the Ministry of Science and Technology in public call (BOE 31-10-2002) aimed at exploring and testing models of Curricular Integration of the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in Physical Education. One of its aims is to promote and to favour the integration of the ICT in schools and classroom contexts through specific curricular developments in Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. This contribution presents the evaluation results of the impact of ICT training in teaching staff through indicators based on and derived from sociocultural theory, which appear specifically in the concepts of dominion and internalization. The evaluation of the training impact takes shape in educational competences in ICT and educational actions promoted or caused by the received training. This research is made with teachers of Secondary and Elementary Education. The results show that the teaching staff reaches a high degree of development in instrumental, systemic and applied competences that affect the effective integration of the ICT in the curricular development of Physical Education; as well as the development of training, curricular and innovating actions related to ICT.These indicators, derived from the sociocultural theory, constitute a new way of seeing and understanding the effects of ICT training in teaching staff. The results obtained here show the appropriateness and viability of the sociocultural approach as theoretical frame that guides the design of online training as well as the evaluation of learning results

    Tipos de conciencia de género del profesorado en los contextos escolares

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    La educación constituye uno de los pilares básicos en la transmisión de patrones culturales de género. Los centros escolares son espacios sociales y educativos claves para en ellos poder operar transformaciones educativas y sociales deseables. En ello es clave la «conciencia» y «formación» del profesorado en género y equidad. El trabajo empírico, fundamentado en las teorías feministas, la pedagogía crítica y el enfoque sociocultural, tiene por objetivo conocer los tipos de conciencia de género que tiene el profesorado en los centros escolares de secundaria. Los resultados muestran la presencia de tipos de conciencia de género diferenciados en función del sexo de los profesores, así como, variables asociadas a los mismos. De los datos obtenidos se derivan propuestas formativas para el profesorado.Education is one of the central mainstays in the transmission of gender cultural patterns.On the other hand, educational establishments can be considered both as key social and educational places in order to put into practice the expected sociable and educational changes. For this purpose, teachers’ «awareness» and «training» on gender and equity becomes essential. The empirical work based on feminist theories, critical pedagogy and the sociocultural approach aims at establishing the different types of teachers’ gender awareness in secondary schools. The findings come to prove the existence of different types of gender awareness according to teachers’ gender as well as a set of variables related to them. Finally, different teachers training proposals based on the resulting outcomes are presented

    Manipulo, descubro y evoluciono: el juego de la vida cotidiana como proyecto educativo en Educación Infantil

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    Los niños y niñas desde que nacen sienten el deseo de descubrir el mundo que les rodea. Esto lo consiguen gracias a diversas acciones como puede ser la observación, manipulación, experimentación y el juego. La escuela, especialmente en los primeros años de vida, debe concebirse como un espacio donde los niños y niñas convivan, crezcan y aprendan, por lo que es imprescindible que todos los miembros de la Comunidad Educativa participen en el proceso de toma de decisiones. El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado recoge el diseño e implementación en una escuela infantil de un proyecto educativo cuyo objetivo general es optimizar el aprendizaje de niños y niñas de 0 a 3 años a través de la manipulación de objetos de la vida cotidiana y del entorno. Se ha desarrollado a través de tres programas: El Cesto de los Tesoros, El Juego Heurístico y El Juego Heurístico por Bandejas, como metodologías de aprendizaje activo permiten al alumnado, a través del juego, ser protagonista de su propio aprendizaje. Los resultados obtenidos confirman la potencialidad que tienen estas propuestas de juego en el desarrollo global en la infancia, a través del uso de materiales naturales.Children are born with a strong desire of discovering as much as they can about the world. Everything they discover is through actions such as observing, touching, experiencing and playing. In early childhood education children should live, grow up and learn together, for this reason all the parties involved in their education and upbringing should participate in the decisions taken in order to educate them. Our current dissertation consists of an education project that has been implemented in a nursery school and which has the objective of improving the learning process of children aged 0-3 years old while they touch and play with every day objects. The project has been carried out with the following three activities: Treasue Basket, Heuristic Game and Heuristic Game in tray boxes. These activities are prepared with natural materials like leaves, pebbles, sand, and so on, and they allow children to learn meaningfully while playing, as they can become the protagonists of their own learning process. The results of the implementation of this project confirm that the activities mentioned above have proved really useful to help the global development of children.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Infanti

    Responses of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants to iron deficiency in the root zone

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    Iron deficiency induces a yellowing in the aerial part of plants, known as iron chlorosis, and reduces the growth, yield, and quality of the fruits. Understanding plant response to iron deficiency is essential for agronomic management. This study decoded the temporal response of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) to iron deficiency by quantifying different vegetative parameters. Subapical root swelling in the first 2.0 mm and several shoot and root growth parameters were measured in plants grown in a nutrient solution with and without Fe, on different dates designated as days after transplantation (DAT). Correlations between the total chlorophyll concentration in young leaves and 22 morphological and physiological parameters were also calculated. The plants grown in the absence of Fe had a higher number of secondary roots at 3 DAT, compared to control plants. On the same date, subapical root swelling was also observed, particularly at 1.5 and 2.0 mm from the root tip. Those plants also had a lower chlorophyll content in young leaves and a higher ferric-chelate reductase activity (FCR; EC in the roots. At 9 DAT, the overall vegetative performance (plant height, fresh weight of stems and leaves) was negatively affected. At the end of the experiment (14 DAT), significant correlations were found between chlorophyll and the studied parameters. In conclusion, tomato plants experienced a cascade of responses to Fe deficiency throughout nine days: firstly, root lateralization increased; later, root swelling was observed, and a decrease in leaf chlorophyll content was registered associated with an increase in root FCR. At the end, the biomass of tomato plants decreased.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spin-crossover Fe(ii) complexes on a surface: a mixture of low-spin and high-spin molecules at low temperature from quantum-chemistry calculations

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    A common feature of spin-crossover molecules deposited on a substrate is the presence of a residual proportion of high-spin (HS) molecules at low temperature, instead of the pure low-spin (LS) phase observed in the bulk. In this work, we analyse by means of periodic rPBE calculations, the deposition of a monolayer of an Fe(II) spin-crossover [Fe((3,5-(CH3)2Pz)3BH)2] complex on a Au(111) substrate, with different proportions of HS/LS molecules. Our results indicate that there exist both thermodynamic and kinetic factors favoring the presence of a mixed HS/LS state at low temperature. The pure LS phase and a mixed spin state with 1/3 of HS molecules are close in energy, and the transition from this mixed spin state to the pure LS is hindered by the highest activation barrier in the transition from the HS to LS phase. The presence of the surrounding molecules of the 2D superstructure facilitates the transition from the LS to HS state and the interaction between the molecular layer and the surface increases with the proportion of HS molecules, in line with the epitaxial growth of the monolayer and its similarities with the (011¯) plane of the HS bulk molecular crystal. The density of states resulting from the rPBE calculations is used to simulate STM images. An excellent agreement is found between the simulated STM images for the mixed state with 1/3 of HS molecules and the images acquired at a constant height for a submonolayer of this Fe(II) complex on Au(111).MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/ 501100011033 PGC2018-101689-B-I00ERDF A way of making Europ